
Viora V20 V-IPL

The most popular aesthetic treatments include skin rejuvenation, pigmentation, vascular lesions and acne clearance. Thanks to Viora’s proprietary PulseConfiguRythm™ (PCR™), which generates various pulse structures and provides adjustable pulse duration, every skin type and condition can be treated. Patients will receive the safest, most comfortable and effective treatments available.

Viora Reaction

Reaction™ combines the mechanism of advanced RF energy and vacuum therapy that work with the body’s natural regeneration process to deliver safe and efficient treatments for cellulite, body contouring and tightening of the skin.

Unlike any other system, Reaction™ is powered by patented CORE™ technology featuring 3 distinct RF modes as well as an innovative 4th dimension – multi-channel mode – that simultaneously incorporates all three treatment modes. CORE™ empowers Reaction™ with the ability to deliver safe and effective treatments with superior treatment control, precision targeting and broader dermal penetration for maximum results in minimal time.

Cynosure Elite

Cynosure’s Elite Aesthetic Workstation is the most comprehensive laser hair removal system available today. Since it’s designed for all skin types, it can treat the broadest range of clients. In addition, the system is optimized for effective treatment of facial and leg veins, as well as benign epidermal pigmented lesions.

Viora Pristine

The award-winning Pristine™ microdermabrasion procedure offers patients a non-invasive and full scope exfoliation treatment that is comfortable and above all, a rewarding aesthetic experience. Since microdermabrasion is based on mechanical exfoliation, the results are immediately visible after the first treatment, making way for smooth, softer skin and a refreshed complexion.


We have clients visit us from all over the UK and even abroad.

Milton Keynes


Important Information

Please ensure that you have read and fully understand the following Terms and Conditions before booking ANY treatment. If in doubt please do not hesitate to ring the clinic.

For health and safety reasons we cannot allow children to accompany an adult into the treatment room, nor may they be left unaccompanied in our reception area.

Booking an Appointment

When booking for a consultation, we will need to take a deposit of £40.00 by card to secure the appointment. This fee willl be deducted from any future treatment taken.

When booking an appointment we ask you to inform us of any changes in health/medication conditions every time you visit us. This is very important, as some conditions may prevent certain treatments being carried out.

Please inform us if you have recently been in the sun without protection when booking a laser, peel or derma stamp treatment.

We will inform you if any preparation is required in advance of your treatment. Failure to follow our guidelines may result in The Laser Room cancelling your appointment.

New clients are required to arrive 10 minutes before treatment time in order for the necessary paperwork to be completed.

A patch test is required for all laser treatments. You will be advised at your consultation as how long to leave before commencing treatment. No charge is applied for this patch test.

During the consultation you will given a pre-treatment advise sheet. After treatment a post-treatment sheet will be given and instructions must be followed.


The Laser Room Coventry maintains a strict privacy policy in full accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) . All client information remains strictly confidential and is never shared with any third party.


Our clinic hygiene and safety is of the utmost importance, and to ensure cleanliness, all our sterilisation procedures and equipment is checked and approved by the Local Environmental Health and Safety Officer.

General information

Use of mobile phones to record treatments is not permitted, and we reserve the right to refuse treatment if this is not adhered to.

Our staff are trained and approved in accordance with company treatment protocols.
Prices are subject to variation and the management reserve the right to change pricing. Notice will always be given prior to treatments.

The Laser Room Coventry Limited will endeavour to ensure that you will be given the time and day of your appointment. If this is not possible due to unforeseen circumstances we will contact you with as much notice as possible to rearrange.

Our product range is only available for purchase by clients who are being treated by The Laser Room Coventry.

All treatments carried out will need before and after home care. Products will need to be used in conjunction with clinical treatments We will not do any clinical treatments without proper before and after care.

Please DO NOT book an appointment if you are unable to commit to the above.

This is The Laser Rooms company policy.


It is the clients responsibility to ensure that he/she has provided The Laser Room Coventry Limited with ALL the relevant medical details prior to each treatment.

The Laser Room Coventry Limited will not be held liable for any damage that occurs as a result of the clients failure to disclose such details.

We can only carry out treatments which are NOT contraindicated.

It is the clients responsibility to ensure that he/she complies with all instructions and recommendations given to them by our laser practitioner regarding their treatment.
If a client decides not to use the product recommended to heal and protect the area treated, The Laser Room Coventry Limited will not be held responsible for any adverse reactions.

The Laser Room Coventry Limited will not be liable in contract or otherwise for any economic loss or damage arising out of or in connection with its provision of any goods and for services to the client.

Clients personal property is the responsibility of the client at all times. The Laser Room Coventry Limited accept no responsibility for any loss or damage.

These terms and conditions do not affect your statutory legal rights.


If you are unable to attend your appointment we require 48 hours notice. You can leave a message out of hours on 07967 205 623.

Cancellations on the day may result in a charge totaling 30% of the booked treatment.

Please note: Treatments of one hour and over will require payment in full prior to treatment.


We do not have a general price list for laser treatments, as treatments will vary greatly between clients.

Prices will only be given once a consultation has taken place, and your requirements assessed.