Clearer, Healthier Looking Nails

Onychomycosis, or nail fungus, affects between 3% and 8% of the population in the UK. While some people are genetically prone to it, others, like athletes, may be more likely to get it due to damp feet. Nail fungus is often merely a cosmetic problem, but over time it can also cause pain or abnormal growth.

For patients, laser procedures offer a new alternative to oral medication, which may have certain health risks, and topical treatments, which may have poor efficacy.


The Challenge of Nail Fungus

Nail fungus is an embarrassing chronic condition that impacts a patient’s quality of life and can lead to serious health problems for those with diabetes or immune disorders. The treatment of nail fungus is difficult because the infection is under and inside the nail, making it hard for other treatments to reach it.

Laser Solutions For Clearer Nails

Laser procedures offer an alternative solution for clearer nails. Cynosure’s Elite Laser offers a unique combination of wavelength and pulse structure that’s absorbed by the fungus at a faster rate than the surrounding healthy tissue.

Micropulses of the Nd:YAG laser light pass through the nail without causing damage to the nail or the surrounding skin. At the time of the procedure, the nail will not become instantly clear – it takes time to grow out.

Patients experience minimal discomfort due to the specific pulse modulation, used by the laser. Some may express a warming sensation on the area.

Before and After Treatment